Every man who sags his trousers is often seen as an irresponsible individual. Firstly, what is sagging of trousers? And how did young guys begin to sag? Sagging of trousers is when an individual intentionally fails to tighten the belt of his trousers, thereby exposing his underwears or boxers or any other inner wear. This habit was believed to have started among prisoners in the United States of America. These American prisoners were not allowed to use their belts to hold tight their trousers around their waist. Their trousers were almost 100% jeans, which is the most worn type of trousers in the United States. This young man is seen sagging his trousers As time went by, misguided youths in Nigeria saw this habit and began to imitate the American prisoners. It is a common thing to see youths sag their trousers. A good number of guys or on a few occasions ladies do sagging out of ignorance. The impl...
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