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Omicron: Challenges New COVID-19 Variant Pose To Nigerians

A few days ago, some Nigerians woke up to the news of the confirmation of a new strain of COVID-19 called 'Omicron.' Some Nigerians upon hearing the name of the new coronavirus variant even misspelt, and mispronounced it, by calling it 'Ominicon.'

Following the spread of the news of the new COVID-19 variant, and confirmation by the Nigerian Centre for Disease Control (NCDC), it has dawned on all information-thirsty and health conscious Nigerians that Omicron variant of coronavirus is here in the country.

According to the director general of NCDC, Dr. Ifedayo Adetifa, in a press statement issued on Wednesday, December 1, he made it known that three cases of Omicron variant of coronavirus have been confirmed in Nigeria.

It should be noted that Nigerians are still talking about the Delta variant of COVID-19 before the news of Omicron variant suddenly struck them.

Nigeria is not an island on its own. This means that what happens in the rest of the world directly or indirectly impacts on the country.

The genesis of COVID-19, which started sometime in February 2020 in Nigeria is still fresh in the minds of many. The resulting economy downturn of COVID-19 which made many Nigerians lose their jobs is still resonating in the minds of many. No one knows what next as Omicron variant of COVID-19 is here in the country.

1. Beginning of travel restrictions

One main characteristics of COVID-19 is that it brings about travel bans and restrictions. Following the news and confirmation of Omicron in Nigeria, Canada has listed Nigeria alongside Egypt and Malawi, as countries in parts of Africa it has placed travel ban on for now. The implications of this travel ban by Canada on Nigeria are many.


Firstly, Nigerians who have plans of travelling to Canada for education, vacation or businesses, will not be able to do so. They will have to think of other countries. Secondly, it will also have an economic implication on some Nigerians, as money made through travels has been blocked. Another implication is that family reunion of some Nigerians planning to travel to Canada to meet their families has been hampered, especially as the yuletide season approaches.

The only way out of this travel ban is if the Nigerian government can work out a bilateral and diplomatic arrangement with the Canadian government. This meeting will assure the Canadian government that all travellers from Nigeria to Canada will be put through full COVID-19 tests, before being allowed to leave the shores of the country.

2. Christmas and New Year celebrations shaky

It is less than four weeks to Christmas celebration. Christmas, a religious festival, celebrated once in a year on December 25th by millions of Nigerians especially in social gatherings could be hampered as a result of the new strain of COVID-19, Omicron. Nigerians understand that the federal government so much. Some Nigerians right now might be envisaging a situation whereby the government could put restrictions on social gatherings of a particular number of people during the yuletide period.

In addition, the federal government could decide to put restrictions on interstate travels in order to curb the spread of Omicron variant of COVID-19. The final decision of placing restrictions on social gatherings lies with the federal government, and state governments in some situations, if they think Nigerians will be safer and better protected health wise, by staying indoors following the discovery of Omicron.

3. Fear of the unknown for Nigerians

The fear of the unknown is simply an unpredictable 2022 due to Omicron. The current Year, 2021 is gradually winding down, therefore, no one knows if the new strain, Omicron will spread faster or not as the year is about to end. The fear also is that if more confirmed cases of Omicron variant of COVID-19 are reported by NCDC, this could have a negative economic impact on businesses in the country. The multiplier effects include loss of job, increase in crime rate, fall in living standards, among others.

As Omicron is now in Nigeria, all what Nigerians should ensure they do is to follow all COVID-19 safety protocols, in order to keep themselves, their families and loved ones safe from all strains of COVID-19.

Oladele Hakeem Olaniyan who lives in Nigeria wrote this article.


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