A few days ago prior to commencement of the 2018 FIFA World Cup currently being played in Russia, a controversial Russian lawmaker warned her country fellows never to engage in sexual activities with nonwhite race.
A Russian legislator gured adding a little more on top on the eve of the action wouldn’t hurt.
Russian lawmaker says no to sex with World cup visitors
Tamara Pletnyova, head of the lower house of parliament’s Family, Women and Children Committee, warned Russians against having sex with foreign visitors during a radio appearance on Wednesday. More specifically, she warned Russian woman against getting pregnant by visitors, hearkening back to the 1980 Moscow Olympics.
“There will be girls who meet men, and then they will give birth,” Pletnyova said via translation. “Maybe they will get married, maybe they won’t. But the kids will suffer, just like they suffered [after the Moscow Olympics].”
“It’s the children who suffer and have suffered since the Soviet era.”
If you do have sex, don’t mix races.
But Pletnyova wasn’t done with simply advising residents against trysts with visitors and the perils of being a single mother or a child born out of wedlock.
She clarified that if you’re going to have sex with a foreigner, just make sure that partner is white.
“If it’s another race, then it’s even worse,” Pletnyova said. “We should give birth to our own children.”
“I’m not a nationalist, but nonetheless,” she added.
Russia has history of racism in soccer venues
This is not the first first incident intertwining racism and soccer in Russia.
FIFA fined the Russian Football Union $30,000 for fans directing racist monkey chants at French players during a pre-World Cup friendly in May.
Source: Yahoo News
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