In a preamble to this article written below, Nigerians and others alike need to know much more about the challenges and dangers Pangolin Trafficking is doing to the world. In a news publication last year, 2021 by Vanguard Newspaper, men of the Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) revealed that 1,104.5kg of Pangolin scales worth N1.728 billion were intercepted. The full news story is found in this link Pangolin Trafficking in Nigeria Pangolins are mammals just like human beings. Pangolins have scaly body, and wrap up into a ball to protect themselves against predators. Pangolins are also called 'scaly anteater' because of their unending appetite for ants. In further describing what Pangolins are, World Wildlife Fund (WWF) defined Pangolins as "animals which have no teeth. Pangolins pick up food with their sticky tongues, which can sometimes reach lengths greater than their body." Based on scientific findings and research, Pangolin family is further broken down into genus an...
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